If you are attempting to furnish your formal living room and someone in your family is distressed at the thought of not having the comfort of a recliner in the mix, the good news is that it can be done. You first have to banish the notion that the only suitable furniture for a formal living room is inevitably uncomfortable. On the other hand, you will need to ask for a bit of compromise, as a big, overstuffed recliner might not work out either.
Choosing a recliner that will work with your formal living room design involves deciding what it is about recliners that you don’t think will mesh with what you are hoping to achieve. For example, if you just hate the look of a recliner, consider the styles available that don’t look like recliners. Instead, they look like a traditional chair as the mechanisms are not as pronounced. If space is the problem, consider a recliner that doesn’t need to be several inches away from the wall when reclined. If you hate the way a recliner sticks out like a large elephant in the room, choose a recliner and placement that adds balance to the room and accent appropriately so the scale difference is minimized in appearance.
Keep in mind that a recliner doesn’t have to be a chair. You can also look into reclining sectionals, loveseats, and sofas that give everyone the comfort they desire without sending your room décor style into a tailspin.
Here at Gibson Brothers Furniture Inc., we are more than happy to help you select a recliner for your formal living room that makes everyone happy. Stop by our 14,000-square-foot showroom and see for yourself that you can get beauty and comfort from a recliner.