Mattresses 101: How to Keep Your Mattress in Great Shape

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Once you invest in a good mattress, you want to make it last for the sake of your budget and for the sake of getting a good night’s sleep every night. When it comes to mattresses, here are a few tips to help you take good care of yours for years to come:

Mattresses 101: How to Keep Your Mattress in Great Shape

  • Rotate your mattress—Many people don’t rotate their mattresses over the years, and the result is a bed that is soft in one place and hard in others. About every six months or so, flip your mattress around on your bed frame so it wears evenly.
  • Use a bed frame—When you shop for mattresses, it may not always be at the forefront of your mind how important it is to use a bed frame with your new selection. Using a bed frame will ensure nothing breaks down inside of your mattress prematurely, and that it continues to provide you with great support for as long as possible.
  • Use a mattress protector—One of the best things you can do for your mattress is to use a mattress protector. As you look at which one to buy, make sure you get one that is waterproof and breathable, so it prevents dust mites, bed bugs, and mildew.
  • Don’t sit on the edge of your bed—Mattresses are great for sitting on while you talk on the phone or put on your shoes, but over time, sitting on the edge of your mattress can harm it. Avoiding sitting on your mattress will ensure its sides don’t become weakened, a problem which can harm the overall support of your mattress.

If you find that one or more of the mattresses in your home needs to be replaced, all you need to do is stop by and see us at Gibson Brothers Furniture Inc. and we’ll be happy to provide you with the mattresses that you need for every bedroom in your home. We look forward to assisting you!